Each month we get together and discuss a business-related topic. It's an interactive, supportive environment for learning and sharing.
"Sounds great, so how does it work?"
Each month we will:
Meet the second Thursday of each month 3-4pm ET (12pm PT | 2pm CT).
Start with introductions where we'll share who we are and what we do.
Spend the hour discussing a business related topic, answering questions, and learning from one another.
3-4pm ET | 2-3pm CT | 1-2pm MT 12-1pm PT
Topic TBD
3-4pm ET | 2-3pm CT | 1-2pm MT 12-1pm PT
Topic TBD
3-4pm ET | 2-3pm CT | 1-2pm MT 12-1pm PT
Topic TBD
3-4pm ET | 2-3pm CT | 1-2pm MT 12-1pm PT
Topic TBD
3-4pm ET | 2-3pm CT | 1-2pm MT 12-1pm PT
Topic TBD
3-4pm ET | 2-3pm CT | 1-2pm MT 12-1pm PT
Topic TBD
Note: signing up for a bizzygalz roundtable will add you to my email list. This will allow me to send reminders. You may unsubscribe at any time.